Family Owned Since 1976
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

In July of 1976, Dale and Mary Kay along with their three children Jerrie Rowell, Gale Wilson, and Chris Kay, started Kay's Kustom Kill.
At first, we were a custom only plant, processing animals for farmers and ranchers. In the early 80’s, Kay's became State Inspected which allows us to do custom processing and also sell retail meat to the public and restaurants. Still growing in 1996, the business became incorporated and changed it's name to Kay's Meat Processing.
Mary and Chris have been here from the beginning for 40 years. Dana married Chris, and has been here 33 years. Christopher and Marty were born into the family business. Christopher married Robyn, and Marty married Shaylee, and both help in the office when needed.
Over the years, our family and business has grown. We sell a variety of items including beef, pork, and chicken.
Like Dale used to say, “If you don’t know your meats, you better know your butcher.” So come in and get to know us! When you come into the office, you may be greeted by the 4th generation of Kay's: Kaden, Karingtyn, Jaxon, Kutler, and Kimber.
5246 Hardy Springs Road
McAlester OK 74501
Our Products & Services:

Did You Know?
Not all of the pig is edible pork. On average about 57% of a hog make it from the pen to the pan. A 250 pound hog will yield approximately 144 pounds of retail cuts. Around 28% of a hog's live weight is inedible product removed during the slaughter and dressing procedure bringing our 250 pound live hog to 180 pounds dressed. The internal organs, hair, blood, and other inedible products account for most of the loss. Once the carcass is sanitarily dressed it is hung on a rail and placed in a cooler where it is quickly chilled. Once the carcass is thoroughly chilled it can be cut into retail cuts where another 20% of the weight is removed bringing our 180 pound carcass to 144 pounds of retail cuts. Bone dust, fat trimming, boning, grinding, and moisture loss account for this unpreventable waste. Hams and bacon are typically cured and smoked after cutting.

Not all of the cow makes it to the table. On average, a 1,000 pound steer will only weigh approximately 61% of it's live weight once it makes it to the rail. This approximate 39% loss during the slaughter and dressing procedure is a result of the animal being held on the hide and the head, hooves, viscera, lungs, and heart being removed. The remaining 61% is often referred to as the "Hanging Weight" or the weight "on the Rail." But the loss doesn't stop there. Once the carcass is on the rail, it begins to leach moisture (shrink), which accounts for the additional weight loss. This, along with the fat and bone removed during the cutting, account for an additional 18% loss. In summary, a steer weighing 1,000 pounds on the hoof will average around 430 pounds of retail cuts (steaks, roast, ground beef, stew beef, etc.).